Helping businesses tell their story clearly
PR of Things is a team of media geeks who have been helping companies build conversations with the press, users, clients, partners and potential employees for over 10 years.
What we do
We provide PR support and media outreach. We help build productive relations with the press: we select the right publications and channels, prepare and distribute press materials - pitches, releases, articles and columns. We do content and design. We'll write a press release, article or pitch, make a web site, presentation or other format to solve your task. Conduct a communications audit. We will research and analyze your communications or product, identify strong and weak communication points, weak communication points, help you understand what can be improved. We consult on communication tasks: how to start an international PR-campaign, how to write a pitch, how to organize work on a news story and how to communicate with journalists.
Tell us about your challenges -
and we'll find a solution
What we've done
Helped publicize the launch of the mobile app internationally and received over 200 publications and reviews in Business Insider, Quartz, The Telegraph, Condé Nast Traveler, Forbes, Daily Mail, other publications and aviation blogs. Organized the app's appearance on ProductHunt и Kickstarter.
And backed a joint campaign with Ivanka Trump.
Dedu Center
For a team that helps design adult education products, we helped find a press infomercial, assembled a list of topics for publications, prepared a pitch, and organized introductions to journalists.
We were responsible for the entire communications unit at ABBYY LS, a subsidiary of ABBYY, a company specialising in language technologies. We were involved in everything from strategy and tactics to content, social media and performance evaluation. We've launched blogs, supported announcements and increased the number of publications about the company and products by 3 times annually.

Completed a communications audit, prepared a strategy and wrote articles for a technology loyalty service.
Organised media publications for the StickerRide project - a mobile application that helps you place advertisements on your car and earn money from it.
А также
We were responsible for strategy, PR and social media for the SmartCAT platform and edited its blog, helped tell the story of digital nomad Jacob Laukaitis for the Russian press, helped organise publications about the launches of Disk-O: (Mail.Ru Group's cloud product) and the crypto project Qvolta.
If you want to launch a social media, newsletter or other content project, write to DashDash - it's our communications office that specialises in these types of projects.
Organised the PR launch of Group's cloud product in the US market: developed a strong key message for the media, prepared a press release, met with journalists and got the first response: 16 publications in Techradar, VBBlog and other international blogs and media sources.
Strategy, PR, content
Audit, Strategy, PR, content
PR-support, content
PR-support, content
Who's doing it
Sergey Kornilov
I managed communications support for large IT companies and startups on the Russian and international markets.
Recently, I have been focusing on inventing and producing various content projects.

Raising an English bulldog.
Denis Frolov
I've worked on content and communications for Tech and Telecom companies, volunteer and educational initiatives. I love building systems and putting things in order, editing, creating content strategies and implementing them.

I am constantly learning, sometimes blogging, reading books and articles and writing about them in my Telegram channel.
Iliya Malyavko
I have designed for consulting companies, architectural firms, manufacturing, start-ups, online shops, digital products and even a rock band. I've worked on design projects ranging from corporate identities and presentations to websites and apps.

I'm constantly learning new approaches, a fan of no-code based solutions.
Learning to play electric guitar, capturing street photography.
Let's get
in touch
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